County on Pace to Run Out of Residential Land by 2027

The County's 20 year supply of residential land will last about 11 years at the current pace of population growth. This chart shows how long it will take to consume the 50,468.3 housing units that the County assumes could be developed on the currently available residential land, using 3 different population growth assumptions. Assuming the current rate of growth, we will be out of land for new homes by 2027. Using the County growth rate, we will be out of land by 2033. In any event, there is not adequate supply for the next 20 years. Here is how I figure: Clark County's Vacant Lands Inventory estimates that there is enough residential land to develop 50,468.3 houses. This estimate was prepared by Clark County and used for the 2015 Comprehensive Plan Update. County Council assumed that the annual population growth countywide would be 1.28%. They assumed that there would be 2.66 people per household and that those 50468.3 ho...